Tag: art-history

Fifteen Famous Paintings of Jesus

Courtesy of Jesus Film Project

Table of Contents

  1. Christ Pantocrator
  2. Ognissanti Madonna — Giotto di Bondone
  3. The Last Supper — Leonardo Da Vinci
  4. Salvator Mundi — Leonardo da Vinci 
  5. The Transfiguration — Raphael 
  6. The Last Judgment — Michelangelo 
  7. Christ Carrying the Cross — El Greco
  8. Supper of Emmaus — Caravaggio
  9. Christ Crucified — Diego Velázquez 
  10. The Storm on the Sea of Galilee — Rembrandt
  11. Head of Christ — Rembrandt
  12. Ecce Homo by Antonio Ciseri
  13. Sermon on the Mount — Carl Heinrich Bloch
  14. The Yellow Christ — Paul Gauguin 
  15. Christ of Saint John of the Cross — Salvatore Dali 
