Outdoor Tales

Beginning today I will be doing sharing a collection of stories and lessons learned from a life-time spent exploring and enjoying the great outdoors. These will be shared on https://hopeshack.org

Hope Shack is a site giving hope and inspiration through real life stories and experiences.

Will We Know People in Heaven

Many people wonder if we will recognize our friends and family when we get to heaven.  We will not only recognize our loved ones and friends, but we will know everyone in heaven. We will enjoy fellowship with people from all walks of life and from the time of Adam to the present time. Can you imagine meeting the saints of the Old and New Testament or of the generations before us?

 At the mount of transfiguration, Peter and John recognized Elijah and Moses even though they had never seen them before and they were separated by hundreds of years; (Luke 9:30-32). This is how it will be in heaven. We will recognize everyone else and will feel as one with them.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)

We will leave our sinful nature behind, and we will instead be filled with the spirit of God. Therefore we will love each other as God intended us to. We will be like one big family in heaven. Parents, Grandparents, children, and babies will be reunited and will all recognize each other. Like I said before it will be a family reunion like no other.

Surrounded by Angels

John Paton, an early missionary to the New Hebrides Islands tells a story when angels took on the form of humans to protect him and his wife. One night natives surrounded their mission intent on killing them. Rev. Paton and his wife prayed throughout the night that God would protect them. When morning came the natives were gone.

  A year later the tribal chief was converted to Christ. Rev Paton asked the chief what kept him and his men from burning down the mission and killing them that night . The chief told him that the mission was surrounded with large men in shining clothes with swords in their hands. After hearing that, Rev. Paton realized that God had sent his angels to protect them.

from: “Things You Probably Didn’t Learn in Church.”

The Bible


The Bible contains thousands of prophecies concerning events that were fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years later, proving its divine source, for only God can predict the future. In Isaiah, God said He has made know the future to us:

    “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come…… What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.” (Isaiah 46:10-11).

 Why would God make known the future to us?  Why would He make so many predictions about the future of the world? First, because He wants us to know, beyond all doubt, that He is God and there is no other. Secondly, He wants us to be prepared for what is to come.  

It is a difficult matter for the critic to deny prophecy once it has been fulfilled, for prophecy fulfilled becomes part of history for all to see.

Archaeologists continue to find cities and places mentioned in the Bible, such as in 2004 when they discovered the Siloam Pool where Jesus healed the blind man. In fact, all archaeology finds have agreed with the historical biblical accounts as recorded in the Bible. There has not been a single artifact or discovery made that would disprove what is written in The Word of God.

Dr. J.O. Kinnaman declared, “Of the hundreds of thousands of artifacts found by archaeologists, not one has ever been discovered that contradicts or denies one word, phrase, clause, or sentence of the Bible, but always confirms and verifies the facts of the Biblical record.”

The supposedly great books of other religions—including the Vedas of the Hindus; the Zend Avesta of Zoroastrians, the Confucian texts, the Tripitaka of Buddhism, the Koran of Islam, and the Book of Mormon—–do not have any prophecy fulfillment or archaeological finds to support them.

Taken from the book: “Things You Probably Didn’t Learn in Church”

How old does the Bible say the earth is.

     This is an excerpt from my book “Noah’s Flood: The Proof and Effects of It”, which has not been released yet. 

     How do we know from the Bible, that the earth is 6000 years old? The Bible gives us a chronological and genealogical Biblical history of people and events beginning from the time of creation, throughout history. It is possible, by adjusting for the differences in calendrical systems, to figure the time from creation in Genesis to the year A.D. 1. We cannot set a precise time, since most of the time the Bible only lists the time in years, and does not include the months and days. However, we can know that the time of creation was between 3900 BC and 4200 BC, making the earth a little over 6000 years old.

    Many people have come up with dates for creation, such as Gerhard Hasel (4178 BC), Isaac Newton (4000 BC), and James Ussher (4004 BC).

    I believe we can calculate the age of the earth using the scriptures as follows. Solomon became king in 971 B.C. (1 Kings 2:11). In the fourth year of his reign (967 B.C.), he began to build the temple which was four hundred and eighty years after the Israelites came out of Egypt (1 Kings 6:1). (967 + 480 = 1447 B.C.)

    The Israelites were in Egypt four hundred and thirty years (Exodus 12:41). The Law was given to the Israelite people by God through Moses at Mount Sinai in the third month after they left Egypt (Exodus Chapters 19 & 20). God’s Covenant with Abraham was four hundred and thirty years before the Law was given to the Israelites (Galatians 3:17). (1447 + 430 = 1877 B.C.)

    The Covenant with Abraham was nine hundred and ninety-one years after the Flood (Genesis Chapter 11 & Genesis 17:1-2). (1877 + 391 = 2268 B.C.)

    The Flood occurred 1656 years after the week of Creation (Genesis Chapter 5 & Genesis 7:11). (2268 + 1656 = 3924 B.C.)

    The beginning of the earth when God created it was approximately 3924 B.C.

Things You Probably Didn’t Learn In Church.

Things You Probably Didn't Learn in ChurchBook

I am thrilled about the acceptance of my book “Things You Probably Didn’t Learn In Church”. I am thrilled that it may be making a difference in lives. If you are not familiar with it. It is about subjects that I have been doing Bible studies on the last few years. Subjects that are not normally taught in a sermon. Such as:

. I am thrilled that it may be making a difference in lives. If you are not familiar with it. It is about subjects that I have been doing Bible studies on the last few years. Subjects that are not normally taught in a sermon. Such as:

The end times made simple; Proof that Jesus lived, died, and rose again; What is heaven really like; All about angels; Satan, demons and the invisible war; Can you be sure you are going to heaven; and more…..

It is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores.

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Thanks everyone and God Bless YOU!